Islanders Attend Virtual Lunch Hosted by FISH

FISH OF SANCAP, with George & Wendy’s Seafood Grill, hosted the community-wide Friendly Faces Luncheon in a virtual format on Tues., Jan. 19.  This month’s luncheon featured not only delicious food, but a special project where participants made braided dog pull toys out of T-shirts. Those without dogs will donate the handmade toys to the Gulf Coast Humane Society. Participants played a virtual game of Trivia and a playdough sculpture guessing game.

The Friendly Faces luncheon, held virtually on the third Tuesday of each month, consists of a cold entree, side, water bottle and dessert, delivered to islanders by FISH volunteers following COVID safety protocol. Meal choice details are provided upon sign-up and reservations are required no later than the Friday before the luncheon date.  Once registered, FISH will provide an emailed link and meeting ID number for access.  


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