FISH OF SANCAP, with George & Wendy’s Seafood Grill, hosts a community-wide Friendly Faces Luncheon in a virtual format on the third Tuesday of each month. February’s luncheon featured delicious food coupled with a Mardi Gras celebration. Participants made Mason jar lanterns, played a group critical thinking game and caught up with each other from last month’s luncheon.
The next Friendly Faces Luncheon is scheduled for Mar. 16, where Alison Hussey, Executive Director, CROW will be a guest speaker. Alison will share stories about the Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife and all of the great things they do. The virtual Friendly Faces luncheon consists of a cold entree, side, water bottle and dessert, delivered to islanders by FISH volunteers following COVID safety protocol. The lunch is complimentary, courtesy of FISH. Meal choice details are provided upon sign-up and reservations are required no later than the Friday before the luncheon date. Once registered, FISH will provide an emailed link and meeting ID number for access.