Walk-In Center and Food Pantry Closed
We will be closed for the day.
We will be closed for the day.
IRS certified United Way volunteers prepare taxes for FREE for households earning $66,000 or less per year. Call 239.472.4775 for appointment. This service adheres to social distance and mask requirements. Drop Off/Pick Up appointments will be at the FISH side door Select Fridays 10am - 1pm Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26 Mar. 12, 26 Apr. …
FISH OF SANCAP, with George & Wendy’s Seafood Grill, continues the community-wide Friendly Faces Luncheon in a virtual format! The Friendly Faces lunch consists of a cold entree, side, water bottle and dessert. Meal choice details are provided upon sign-up. Reservations and meal choices are required
FISH OF SANCAP, with George & Wendy’s Seafood Grill, continues the community-wide Friendly Faces Luncheon in a virtual format! George & Wendy’s will prepare the lunch and FISH volunteers will deliver to all islanders. The cost of the May luncheon is waived and complimentary to all participants. The Friendly Faces lunch consists of a cold …
FISH OF SANCAP is excited to announce their new virtual series, Zoom Cooking With Leslie Adams. The kick-off cooking event will be held by Zoom on Wed., May 19 from 2:00-3:00pm and will be offered monthly. Registration is required. Tasty recipes will be presented in a cooking class style as participants cook together, virtually, as a …
FISH OF SANCAP invites you to Money Talks - Take Control of Your Financial Health – a workshop about budgeting, saving money and how to boost your credit score all while eliminating debt. Join the Webex call on Thurs., May 20 from 5:30-7:00p. Registration is required. Budgeting is foundational to financial success. Learning to budget will provide financial freedom …
Continue reading "Money Talks – Take Control of Your Financial Health"
We will be closed for the day.
FISH OF SANCAP, with George & Wendy’s Seafood Grill, continues the community-wide Friendly Faces Luncheon in a virtual format! The Friendly Faces lunch consists of a cold entree, side, water bottle and dessert. Meal choice details are provided upon sign-up. Reservations and meal choices are required
We will be closed for the day in observance of the 4th of July
Many students will be returning to in-person learning this August, and having the right supplies can help them feel more prepared and less anxious as they re-enter the on-campus learning mode. Items such as paper, glue sticks, pens, pencils, rulers, notebooks, etc. are requested. FISH is also accepting new socks and underwear for boys and …